Sunday, December 17, 2006

Half Way Around The World

I'm in Bangkok. It's 1030am, it's 1030pm yesterday at home.

oh, quick london recap: I was getting a little antsy, and honestly kinda tired of doing the touristy thing every day so on Wednesday I chunneled it to Paris for the night. Spent the night with Michelle, who just happened to have an extra invite to a private gospel christmas show at the town hall. Afterwards she took me to a great French bistro: warm goat cheese salad, steak tartare, and Ile Flotante (floating island - sounds nicer in French) for dessert. From there we strolled the Champs Ellyse, which was draped in all its Christmas finery. I slept in a proper bed that night, it was a great mini vacation from London.

So now i'm blogging from Bangkok... Yesterday for sunset we went to Wat Anun, a temple on the banks of the Chao Phraya and had a little pad thai snack in the next door hut. We did the Suan Lum Night Bazaar for dinner and bargaining -stir fry crab in a thai curry sauce - awesome, and a couple liters of Tiger. To finish off the night we hopped in a tuk tuk to Kuan Sam Road, a bar-lined street that's a regular spot for backpackers.

Since being here, not even 24 hours, we've taken the Sky train, subway, taxi, river boat and tuk tuk. Bangkok is huge and the transportation options are endless. The tuk tuk experience deserves a blog entry in itself, and right now i'm being rushed off to get massages at another historic temples that doubles as a massage school.

more later....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Jessie - Sounds like the food is amazing & I'm sure Jane would like to hear more about that later. Enjoy your adventures & keep up the writing ~ Reed