Friday, November 10, 2006

The Countdown Begins

I'm less than a month away from what will probably be the biggest trip of my life. First to London, then Thailand, Singapore, Hong Kong, India, Malaysia, and finally Vietnam. The trip will take a little less than 3 months, and I'm sure with all of the amazing sights I'll see, I won't see it all. Upon my return I'm sure I'll get the, "oh! did you see ______?" And my answer will be "no, but I saw _____!" and they'll say, "oh, cool. I can't believe you missed _____ though." But this trip isn't all about seeing _____. Of course it's about seeing the world and engaging with other cultures; but I will be traveling, not touring. I didn't come back from Brazil the same person I was when I left, and I'm positive I will continue that same personal growth that began in Salvador. I want to bring everything I see and experience back with me, and apply it to my perspectives on life at home. With that said, this is probably going to be one fucking amazing trip! And hopefully I will be disciplined enough to keep up this blog - although I was never great at the diary thing growing up. I'd always get a new one for Hannakah or Christmas from a friend of my parents. I'd write a couple entries the first month and then forget about thereafter. So fingers crossed on this one!

Dear blog,
I promise I'll try to remember to write at least once a week!

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